Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 5, 2009 - London

Cheers! I made it to London...duhh. Hurry up and wait seemed to be the theme for yesterday, as all I did was sit around waiting for the flight...and then it got delayed. However it all worked out and I made it to London Heathrow this morning around 9:30 London time. I got my backpack, made it through the body cavity search at customs unscathed, purchased a cell phone for the trip, where you 'top up' (as in add minutes as needed, I dig the English vernacular), and hopped on the Underground to go meet my buddy Ed. I was able to catch a couple of zzz's on the flight, thanks to some scotch and red wine, (British Airways rocks by the way - free booze, free dinner, free movies, I watched Taken, great experience) but not enough to feel like a normal human being, so I crashed on Ed's couch and now I feel normal. Or as normal I can possibly feel...ba dum dumm. We are about to head out and go wander around Ed's neighborhood ( he lives a couple Tube stops away from Wimbledon) and then stop in one of the local pubs and see what happens there. And then we're going to another pub to watch the Manchester United vs. Arsenal UEFA Champions league semifinal game...so tonight's going to suck. I'll check back in either tomorrow or the next day, from Dublin.

I love the posted comments - keep em coming!!



  1. Don't forget to smoke cigarettes.

    Yours truly,

  2. Go to the Red Door in Dublin.

  3. Sounds great so far - hoping tubes - pubs, etc.
    Happy tripping to Dublin.

  4. hey there try to get out of Dublin and into the country if you have time. Dublin's great too- grey and haunted and guinness goodness...

  5. How long are you in Ireland for? My brother and I had an absolute blast there. If you need some advice while you're there I can drop a line to some friends over there. I'm sure you'll figure it out.It's been about 10 yrs since I've been.

    We had the chance to go out to Galway and the West coast. Highly recommend that if you can fit it in.


  6. Have a great time in dublin - enjoy that private bath while it lasts !!!!!!
